Service Description: California Electric Transmission Lines
Service ItemId: 260b4513acdb4a3a8e4d64e69fc84fee
Has Versioned Data: false
Max Record Count: 4000
Supported query Formats: JSON
Supports applyEdits with GlobalIds: True
Supports Shared Templates: False
All Layers and Tables
Description: The California Energy Commission (CEC) Electric Transmission Line geospatial data layer has been created to illustrate electric transmission in California. When used in association with the other energy related geospatial data layers, viewers can analyze the geographic relationships with the electric transmission across the state.
The transmission line data is used to:
1. Support the CEC Transmission Planning;
2. Support the CEC electric system analysis in California;
3. Enhance electric transmission communication among California electric stakeholders ;
4. Support CEC's illustrations of electric infrastructure
Data Dictionary:
- Object ID: a unique, not null integer field used to uniquely identify rows in tables in a geodatabase.
- Name: abbreviated transmission line owner and transmission line capacity in kilovolts (kV).
- kV: transmission line capacity in kilovolts (kV), data structure is a text string.
- kV (Sort): transmission line capacity in kilovolts (kV), data structure is a numeric double.
- Owner: abbreviated transmission line owner name.
- Status - last reported operational, proposed, closed, or unknown status of the transmission line.
- Circuit - notes if the transmission line segment is a Single, double, or triple circuit. Null values are unknown.
- Type - OH is overhead transmission lines, UG is underground, UW is underwater, null values are unknown.
- Legend - a summarized categories of transmission line owner and transmission capacity value in kilowatts (kV) for map legend purposes.
- Length (Mile) - the length of the transmission line segment in miles.
- Length (Feet) - the length of the transmission line segment in feet.
- TLine Name - the name of the transmission line segment reported to the California Energy Commission
- Source - the data source used by California Energy Commission.
- Comments
- Creator
- Creator Date
- Last Editor
- Last Editor Date
- GlobalID
- Shape__Length
- Shape
Copyright Text: California Energy Commission - GIS Unit
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Initial Extent:
XMin: -13872454.8645018
YMin: 4380815.27120992
XMax: -13016293.1713963
YMax: 4767658.18050911
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Full Extent:
XMin: -13828609.9394
YMin: 3831332.4307
XMax: -12582894.0015
YMax: 5172867.511
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Units: esriMeters
Child Resources:
Supported Operations:
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