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DN3 Stream and Watershed Attributes.
Stream attributes:
Field Name | Type | Format | Description | Unique |
Shape | Geometry | Geometry attribute | yes | |
OBJECTID | Long | Numeric | Unique ID of feature | yes |
from_node | Long | Numeric | Upstream node ID | yes |
to_node | Long | Numeric | Downstream node ID | yes |
HydroID | Long | Numeric | Primary key | yes |
GridID | Long | Numeric | ID from delineation grid. | yes |
nextDownID | Long | Numeric | ID of downstream reach | yes |
shape_Length | Double | Numeric | Length of reach | no |
enabled | Short | Numeric | Used in network build | no |
nzseg_v3 | Long | Numeric | NZ segment number | yes |
catarea | Double | Numeric | Local catchment area | no |
cumarea | Double | Numeric | Area upstream of reach | no |
sorder | Short | Numeric | Strahler order of reach | no |
start_x | Double | Numeric | Upstream end easting | no |
start_y | Double | Numeric | Uptream end northing | no |
upelev | Double | Numeric | Upstream end elevation | no |
end_x | Double | Numeric | Downstream end easting | no |
end_y | Double | Numeric | Downstream end northing | no |
downelev | Double | Numeric | Downstream end elevation | no |
cen_x | Double | Numeric | Catchment mid easting | no |
cen_y | Double | Numeric | Catchment mid northing | no |
avelev | Double | Numeric | Average catchment elevation | no |
Watershed attributes:
Field Name | Type | Format | Description | Unique |
OBJECTID | Long | Numeric | Unique ID of feature | yes |
Shape | Geometry | Numeric | Geometry attribute | yes |
HydroID | Long | Numeric | Primary key | yes |
GridID | Long | Numeric | ID from delineation grid | yes |
Shape_Length | Double | Numeric | Perimeter of catchment | no |
Shape_Area | Double | Numeric | Local catchment area | no |
nzseg_v3 | Long | Numeric | NZ segment number | yes |
meanelev | double | Numeric | Average catchment elevation | no |
cen_x | double | Numeric | Catchment mid easting | no |
cen_y | double | Numeric | Catchment mid northing | no |